Siege Road Exploration

How appropriate that on the eve of the 4th of July, I do a little exploration along the Seige Road proposed route.  This section will be a part of the Birthplace of America Trail in the York County area.  Took a few pictures and posted the route on STRAVA.  I explored on foot, but a cyclist could ride this 1.5 mile section today if you so inclined.  Click the link below and you can see the pictures:

Seems with a little work and a right of way agreement, this could easily be a completed section between the Yorktown Battlefield Tour Roads and Fort Eustis Blvd.  Oh, the excitement builds.

How Do You Build a 95 Mile Long Trail? Same as how to eat an elephant…

…one bite at a time.  Or as in our case, one mile at a time.

In this post I want to bring everyone up to speed on what is happening with construction of the Birthplace of America Trail, or as some call it, BoAT.  In trying to build a 95 mile long trail, there are a lot of moving parts that happen at the same time.  Some things happen faster than others and that is reasonable when you have a 95 mile long project.   Sometimes what is happening over in Surry County is different than what is happening in the community of Phoebus over in Hampton.  All things have to be coordinated to ensure, that as we proceed in getting this trail built, it all happens according to the plan. Continue reading “How Do You Build a 95 Mile Long Trail? Same as how to eat an elephant…”